Saturday, March 26, 2011

So I found this on top of the fridge...

.... and I simply HAD to open it!  Anything could be inside a container  with such a label!!!  I mean what is a non-fiction biscuit anyway?  Is it like a hyper biscuit - more real than real?  Some kind of Uber-cookie?  Although the term non-fiction does have a kind of gravitas that belies any super-hero, comic book larger than life shenanigans...  I am suspecting there won't be chocolate....  These will be serious as hell biscuits, biscuits that are deeply pondering the meaning of life and are probably finding a cure for cancer on the side.  HARD CORE ESSAY WRITING BISCUITS!!!  with full referencing and probably their own site on Google Scholar.

I just HAD to open it!  I felt like Pandora as I prised the stiff plastic lid away from the rim.......

Needless to say I was slightly disappointed.

But I was completely right about the lack of chocolate.

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