Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Collection is growing...

Most days here at KSP involve too much coffee and a lot of sitting on my butt typing like a maniac.  Occasionally I drag myself up to the top of the hill to attempt to make a phone call - reception is not great here in the foothills - or maybe that's just Vodafone....

Really occasionally I go for a walk around Katherine's place.  And every time I do (3 times so far - and this is why the Australian Institute of Sport has never offered me any funding) I find something...cute yet slightly sinister... The newest addition has a hole in its mouth and makes a kind of serial killer wheeze when you squeeze it...  But look how perky he is!  And his new friends like him too - or are possibly planning on killing me in my sleep...

Speaking of which.. There is something very odd about the glass door panels here in my cottage. The privacy film they are coated in distorts any lights and makes them huge and glowy and be honest..look a lot like Alien spacecraft when you wake up in the middle of the night (usually needing to wee from too much coffee) and glance out through them..  The first night that happened I actually got a bit freaked..there were four HUGE glowing diamond shaped "things" moving down the hillside towards me...Here is a photo of them:

And THAT is why no-one ever believes abductees...Crap photos! Even with a brilliant camera the light was too pale to record anything. Anyhoo upon opening the door, quite anxiously I must admit - it turned out the lights were just weak little solar path lights magnified and distorted by the privacy film on the glass.  Even so - I'm watching them....

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